Did you know that students, trainees, and anyone on apprenticeships and internships working or studying within NHS services must have access to the Standards?
Students and trainees are told about the importance of contributing to a learning culture by speaking up during their training. When talking to stakeholders, we have heard that students and trainees don’t speak up during placements because they fear that this may be detrimental to their grades.
Offering the right support at the outset of their careers and building their confidence in speaking up will have a lasting influence on the choices they make once registered professionals, so it’s worth getting it right. It is also instrumental in promoting a positive speak up culture in future workplaces.
Section 9 of the Standards sets out the arrangements that must be in place to help students and trainees access the whistleblowing process and be supported through it. Why not visit our website to remind yourself of those requirements and make sure your organisation has everything in place to meet them. What you do now could benefit the NHS for years to come.
If you would like to discuss any of the above, please get in touch at [email protected]